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OFF TOPIC: in search for Mr. Scheetz

sorry for this waste of bandwith, but this message is somewhat debian related.
I need to contact Mr. Dale Scheetz, who used to be an active debian developer
and debian CD burner (this is the reason why I'm looking for him). I sent many
messages to his (old?) address (dwarf@polaris.net), but never got any answer.
If anybody knows how I can contact him, please send me a private message
Again, I apoligize for using this very useful list for a 'private' need.
||    || |||||||  Marco Frattola                     Microsoft is not the answer
||`..'|| |||...   Piacenza, Italy                    Microsoft is the question
|||  ||| |||''    mfrattola@mail.enjoy.it            "No" is the answer
|||  ||| |||      www.enjoy.it/users/~mk/index.html  Live Linux, live free!

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