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Re: kcore

I have heard it said that unix works entirely on files.  It always baffled
me to hear that, being a hardware engineer, and writing mostly in low level
assemblers.  Now I think I understand what what meant, and that all tasks
are created as a 'file' and are acted on accordingly, hence the /dev
directory and the /proc directory.  Am I correct in assuming this ?

> From: Shaleh <shaleh@livenet.net>
> To: tony mollica <tmollica@sb.net>
> Cc: debian_user_list <debian-user@lists.debian.org>
> Subject: Re: kcore
> Date: Thursday, 19 February 1998 15:25
> kcore == kernel core memory.  It should be the amount of mem you have or
> close.  It is not a real file, nothing in /proc is.
> --
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