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removing user from group; vigr -s errors; group policies

I have recently installed Debian 1.3.1 on my computer. After searching
the web for info, there are still some questions unanswered:

Is there a simple way of removing a user from a specific group (not knowing
what other groups the user is in), or is there a debian package that will do
this? If I modify the /etc/group file directly with vigr, do I have to
modify the shadowed group file as well? 'vigr -s' gives me these errors:
oskar:~# vigr -s
vigr: /bin/ae: Bad address
vigr: /etc/gshadow is unchanged
vigr: /bin/ae: No such file or directory
vigr: /etc/gshadow is unchanged
Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? (vigr without the -s switch
works fine.)

What are the purposes of all the default groups? Is there a document
describing Debian's group policy?

Oskar Liljeblad (osk@hem.passagen.se)

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