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Re: Question - Hamm, Mgetty, PPP, wtmp - Arrgh!

As a test, can you replce the ATZ with a full init command (I use 
AT&FE0V1&C1&D2S95=47S0=0M0 with my modem) ?

By the way, the following is copied from /usr/doc/mgetty/README.debian
  High Baud Rates
  Linux supports 115200 and 57600 Baud, so does mgetty. But some to ols
  (notably rlogin and telnet) crash with a segfault at those high baudrates.
  If you want users to use regular shell dialin then please leave t
  he highest baudrate at 38400. You can then use the "setserial" program to 
  make the serial port drivers do 57600 or 115200 Baud.

  Note that a serial port must run at 115200 Baud in order to use the full
  speed of a 28.800 Baud modem with compression. A serial port should run at
  57600 for a 14.400 Baud modem.

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