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Re: can't locate module

Sounds like you are trying to load the UMSDOS filesystem as a kernel
module, but you didn't build and install the modules yet, or UMSDOS
wasn't selected as a fileystem type in the config stage.

Go through the kernel config ('make menuconfig' is a quick and easy text
menu), go down to "Filesystems", make sure there is an 'M' in front of

When that is done, exit and save your new configuraion. To insure
everything is rebuilt and set up properly, do the following:

make dep ; make clean ; make bzlilo ; \
make modules ; make modules_install

(the 'make modules_install' puts the modules under /lib/modules/<ver>
directory so insmod has a standard place to find them).

Sidenote:  I am finding that 'make bzlilo' is becoming necessary
otherwise I get the 'System too big' error and it won't finish.  You
only need to do this if 'make zlilo' quits with a "System too Big"

Hope this helps,

Marc van der Vossen wrote:
> Hi all.
> I've got a simple question for ya. I'v compiled a new kernel 2.0.34 When i
> boot with it all goes well, until it wants to load a module. At that point I
> get a message like:
> umsdos can't locate module umsdos
> How do I solve this ?
> Thanks in advance.
> Marc
> marc@vdvossen.cistron.nl
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