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Re: Tape drive "sense" errors

> How do you clean the heads?  I have got an Iomega Ditto internal 2Gb
> drive.  Are there head cleaning tapes available?


I have an internal SCSI tape drive (1/4").   All I do is open the system up to 
expose the tape heads and use stereo casette tape cleaning fluid on Qtips on 
the heads.
I have 2 bottles of cleaning fluid (Aiwa: Head Cleaner, and Pinch Roller 
Cleaner) Standard cassette tape head cleaning stuff.  It works great.

I've never used head cleaning tapes.


Bernt T. Hansen    - Norang Consulting Incorporated ---  bernt@shaw.wave.ca
Computer Systems/  - 235 Bellamy Road N., Scarborough -  phone: (416)431-6216
Analyst            - Ontario, Canada M1J-2L7 ----------  fax:   (416)431-2617
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