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LATCP anyone?- an idea

[I tried to send a message like this last night but accidently 
screwed up...so I apologize if the old version shoots out of my home
mail system at some point to this list]

Ok...I have been digging around here at work, and we seem to have a problem.
All of us techs ocasionally need to fix Terminal server settings on a 
LAT (terminal server). The problem is that the program we do this with
(TSM) is a little screwed. 

First of all it is on a VAX. Secondly on one of the main VAXs it complains of
a Licence issue. Also on the only other VAXmost of us can use, that VAX
is on its last legs.

My thought: Linux can do so many things...why not talk LAT?

I am interested in working on a package to allow a linux box to talk
LAT. The problem is that LAT is a DEC proprietary protocol.
>From what I understand from talking to people, it is not a terribly
complex protocol (and its a very old protocol). The main problem is
I can't find any documentation on this protocol.

DOes anyone know this protocol? Is there any good info on it (I found
nothing searching the web)? 

If no such information is available...could it be possible to log raw
ethernet packets (LAT is layered right on top of Ethernet it is its own
protocol like IP) and possibly be able to work towards making a filter
to filter out uninteresting data?
Are there any programs for doing this (as I imagine it is possible)?

I know all of this is probably beyond my capabilities...but I figure
it can't hurt to investigate and see if something can be done. I would
love to find out its possible and make a nice package allowing
debian boxes to "Speak LAT". 

Anyone else interested (possibly someone who has a better idea of exactly
what is involved)? am I crazy? (no don't answer that)


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