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Re: Linux Commands

On Tue, 23 Jun 1998, Dennis Dixon wrote:

> When I read the man pages, or any zip file that I have for that matter, I
> use the command:  'zmore xxxx.tar.gz'.  This obviously is not the right
> command to view these files, in that the files have all sorts of control
> characters in them. 

man <command name>

Or if you just have some file in man format

nroff -man <filename> | less

> Along the same lines, I downloaded a tar.gz file which was supposed to be in
> "Latex" format.  I unzipped it with 'tar zxvf filename.tar.gz' which gave me
> numerous .tex files.  Thinking I needed the Tetex package I downloaded and
> installed this.  'tex filename.tex' however gets me the error message;
>            'undefined control sequence' or something like that.


latex filename.tex

> Clearly I'm missing something.  It can't be that hard to read a text file.

LaTeX files aren't text per se.  When you run latex on it it's gonna spit
out a dvi file, which you can view with the xdvi program or you can
convert it to PostScript (or a number of other formats) and print it.

> A second question is in reference to a previous problem of getting the 'pon'
> command to work when logged in as user (not as root).  I finally did solve
> this, thanks to help from this mailing list, by:
>        adduser <username> dip 
>        chown :dip ppp.chatscript
>        chown :dip ppp.options_out
>        chmod g+r ppp.chatscript
>        chmod g+r ppp.options_out 
>   In the process however, I mistakenly gave the command 'adduser <username>
> dialin', which added <username> to the dialin group in '/etc/group'.  My
> question is how do I reverse this?  I don't want to delete the user, but
> merely remove it from the dialin group.  Possibly the 'groupmod' or
> 'usermod' commands? I couldn't figure out how to use these commands though.

usermod should do it.  Check the man page but I think the following will
do it..

usermod -g <users primary group> -G <all of the other groups the
user should be in> username

l8r, Nate

Nathan C. Burnett              "Everyone is born right-handed, but 
nate@acm.org                      only the greatest overcome it."
http://www.cse.msu.edu/~burnet26    -Slogan, Left-Handers' Club of Ireland
            ( ( (((In Stereo Where Available))) ) )

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