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Re: update of message about debian on toshiba laptop

At around Thu, 06 Aug 1998 20:22:03 +0200,
 Giuseppe Sacco <gsacco@hsomail.com> may have mentioned:

> I forgot to mention that I also tried to boot using the images:
> resc1440tecra.bin and resc1440tecra-fast.bin.
> No one of those worked. I always have a rebooted laptop.

although i am not using a toshiba laptop, i am having similar problems
w/ getting a thinkpad 770 ed to work.  

i also had this rebooting problem initially.  although i haven't
gotten the rescue disk to finish booting, making a zimage on another
debian machine and replacing the kernel image (named 'linux' on
the rescue disk) has allowed my machine to get further in the booting
process -- it now gets to the point where the root filesystem has
been mounted read-only.  however, it stops after that saying:

  "unable to open initial console"

btw, do you know how to report bugs for the installation floppies?


p.s. i don't know if you will find this helpful (perhaps you already
know about it) but, the following url points to a page that has info
for a variety of toshiba laptops.


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