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Simple requests

Hey there, I've gotten Debian installed and running, but I have a few
problems I need to get taken care of.  First off, I accidentally uninstalled
dpkg-ftp, but managed to use dftp to get dkpg-http, but it asks for a proxy
address or URL and I have no clue what it is.

Also, my e-mail and news are messed up something bad.  I've installed smail
and it's working, I can send e-mail internally but once I get to sending
e-mail to the rest of the world it goes kaplooie and I can't get anything.
I am also getting permission denied errors on /var/spool/mail when I login.

Also, what mystical trick to I use to get my backspace key going in
XWindows, for some odd reason I can use <CTRL><H> to do a backspace, but the
actual delete and backspace keys don't work.

Thanks in advance,
Hatton Humphrey - hatton@null.net

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