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Troubles: x11amp, eplus, searching libs, SLab.........


I discover that when i want to here some music with x11amp, i must boot 
my system with the "default" kernel image. I cannot play any mp3 with 
x11amp when i boot using my custom image.
In the kenrel options of sound i have:
	Sound card support (Module)
	SB support
	/dev/dsp and /dev/audio support
	MIDI interface support
	FM synthesizer support
	IO, IRQ, DMA stuff (not default)
i have try to enable "Additional low level driver" and "ACI mixer", but 

The same go for ePLus. When i want to execute ePlus, i must be using the 
default image kernel too. when using my custom kernel eplus said:  
"Shared Memory Error: Function not implemented"

I have kernel 2.0.34., maybe sould i upgrade to a newer one??

I'm looking to the lib "libsrgp.so.1". I think is could be somthing to 
do with SVGAlib, is there a quick way to know what package sould i 
install to get libX.X.X ??

Someone recommend me Slab. the description sounds great, but i canot use 
it. It said:

" ./mixslab 
Application initialization failed: Can't find a usable init.tcl in the 
following directories: 
    /usr/local/tcl/lib/tcl8.0 /temporal/slab/lib/tcl8.0 
/temporal/tcl8.0b1/library /temporal/slab/library

This probably means that Tcl wasn't installed properly.

I know i have TCL8.0 installed. find said me its in /usr/lib. What sould 
i do? i tyr to put the tcl path in the path.

Thanks, Phillip Neumann

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