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Re: kde missing icons

BG Lim wrote:
> I just installed kde-1.0 from ftp.kde.org. I believe that it is the same
> release 1.0-1 version found in slink.
> My problem is that the toolbar icons in kfm and other progs that use those
> icons don't show up. Instead, you get fuzzy pics where the icons are
> supposed to be. However the buttons themselves work find, only thing 
> is you have to sort of mentally remember what they do!

Below is a reply to a similar question I got from
"Noah L. Meyerhans" <frodo@ccs.neu.edu> posted to this list a few days ago.

Hmm...this actually looks like a bug in the packaging KDE.  The toolbar
pixmaps live in /usr/share/toolbar, and the problem seems to be that
they're installed as part of the kdelibs0g-dev package.  If the pixmaps
are loaded at runtime (as they obviously are), then they should not be
part of the dev package! If you install that package, you'll get the
pixmaps.  I'm gonna send a mail to the maintainer and inform him of the

Hope this helps,

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