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Re: Pine Q. 2: Fortune in sig

On Tue, 10 Nov 1998, Noah L. Meyerhans wrote:

> On Tue, 10 Nov 1998, Kent West wrote:
> > Is there a[n easy] way to set up your signature file in Pine so that a
> > different fortune is sent with each signature? (I've come to realize that
> > with Linux, yes, it's possible, because you can do just about anything, 
> > but is it _easily_ done?)
> Yes, it can be done, and it's not hard at all.  I do something similar,
> except instead of using fortune, I have a directory with a bunch of
> different text files.  Each text file contains 1 sig.  I wrote a pine
> filter to automatically append a random file from this directory to my
> outgoing messages.  This gives me a bit more control over what goes out,
> as opposed to using fortune, where you never know what you'll get.
> Here is a one line script that might work for your purpose:
> #!/bin/sh
> fortune >> $1
> $1 is the name of a temp file that contains the body of your outgoing
> message.  So you can see how the script will simply append the output of
> fortune to your message.  Now you need to tell Pine to use that script as
> an outgoing filter.  In Pine's config, find the "sending-filter" option,
> and specify the filename of your script followed by _TMPFILE_, which is
> the $1 option that your script expects.
> You'll also want to check compose-send-offers-first-filter if you'd like
> your script to be the default filter, offered whenever you send a message.
> note that you won't see one of my sigs attached to this message.  I have
> sent it through a different filter to PGP sign it.
> noah

Thanks for the response. I almost understand. I sent myself a test message
and the fortune did not show up. Two questions:

 1) Does the filter run before I compose the message? In other words,
should I be able to see the fortune in my sig below right now as I'm
typing this, or does it get added when I actually send the message?

 2) I named the temp file sigfortune, and in Pine's config I specified the 
sending-filter to be "sigfortune _TMPFILE_" (without the quotes). I assume
the _TMPFILE_ is a filename that Pine uses, or was that just a dummy name
you invented and I'm supposed to use some other real file name? Also, do I
need to specify more of the sigfortune path, such as "./sigfortune" or
"%homedir%/sigfortune" (can I even use a variable such as "%homedir%" in
Linux?)? Do I need to modify permissions on sigfortune?


Kent West
KC5ENO - Amateur Radio: When all else fails.
Linux - Finally! A real OS for the Intel PC!

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