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Re: I don't believe this,

> But I'm about ready to try microsofts netplayer instead of realplayer.  

> When the network feed get's patchy, rvplayer brings down X.  Not merely 
> brings it down, but with enough corruption that X can't restart short 
> of a reboot.  I've never had a non-hardware crash, but I've had to 
> reboot four times so far this morning.

figures.  the slink xserver has the same corruption problem (but it's 
no worse).  I downloaded netshow.  It's not up to date, and when you 
try to play the fox site with it , you get about 20 minutes of a stupid 
bouncing logo, then the voice message that you need to download a newer 
version to listen to this link.  Of course, this is the newest version 
they offer . . .



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