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Re: PPP daemon has died

Hi John.

I have done as you suggested and restored my /etc/ppp/options file to the
original.  I then ran pppconfig and entered all my info.  I was a little worried
that it didn't ask for my nameservers but I decieded to leave my setings in
/etc/resolv.config and it seems to be working.  I also took the liberty of
adding a mtu 576 line to /etc/ppp/options.

Pon works fine and I now am on line and ftp'ing  netscape while I read
Linuxtoday with lynx.

Thank you very much for the help.  My next project will be getting linux to
admit that I have an ethernet card in the machine.


john@dhh.gt.org wrote:

> Jonathan Crowe writes:
> > To start up pppd I just typed pppd at the #
> With the result that pppd tried to make a connection to the console, since
> you didn't tell it what else to do.  Won't work.  The right way to start
> pppd on a Debian 2.0 system is to type 'pon', which is a script which calls
> pppd with all the right stuff.  Then you type 'poff', which shuts pppd
> down.  First, though, you should run 'pppconfig' to set up the configuration
> files with the phone number and stuff.
> > When I run the scripts from my ISP I get the same thing.... connect and
> > login but unable to see the internet.
> Don't try to use the scripts from the ISP.  They are always crap.  Just use
> them as reference material when you run pppconfig.
> > I am not able to ping or telnet or ftp anything by name or by IP but at
> > least ppp daemon seems to be working.
> You probably do not have a defaultroute set. Pppconfig will fix that.  Take
> all your changes out of /etc/ppp/options, though.  All customization should
> go in /etc/ppp/peers/provider (which pppconfig edits).
> > What files do I have to set up to user wvdial.
> You aren't supposed to have to set up any.  Wvdial is supposed to set
> everything up itself.
> --
> John Hasler
> john@dhh.gt.org (John Hasler)
> Dancing Horse Hill
> Elmwood, WI

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