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Re: SCSI Hard Drive Questions

On 19 Jan 99 04:30:23 GMT, kaynjay@igalaxy.net wrote:

>In <[🔎] 36a3d659.12812733@mailtraq.feverish.demon.co.uk>, on 01/19/99 
>   at 12:55 AM, antispam@feverish.demon.co.uk (Robert Wilderspin) said:
>>It's pointless spending much extra money for SCSI, let alone Ultra2 Wide
>>SCSI, on a single-user desktop machine.  SCSI becomes very useful when
>>you've got more than half-a-dozen users or a busy website running on the
>>machine  [...]
>Or if one's work involves very heavy I/O (several Gb's/file) on top of
>heavy, constant fp calculations ...  :)

You forgot "and if one needs more than three or four drives
connected".  :-)

Rob Wilderspin
"But I need it to crash once every few days - 
reboots are the only chance I get to sleep..."
----------------------= (send replies to rob@)

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