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Re: No sound with xcdroast

On Thu, Jan 21, 1999 at 08:49:42AM +0100, frleg@infonie.fr wrote:
Hi Franck
> Hi,
> This question is not directly debian related but I don't know how to get my answer :
> When I burn audio CDs using xcdroast+cdrecord (last versions), all seems to work fine but
> when the CD is burned and I try to listen it, there is no sound at all (even if you can see that
> the CD has been burned). I tried to swap bytes, it didn't change anything.
Do You record via SB-Line in and than write the *.wav files to CD
than You must :
get a mixer first: e.g. xmixer 
disable the micro-record, 
enable the line-in-record
let always stay the mixer loaded
record anything You like
burn CD's with:
cdrecord  -v speed=2  dev=0,5,0 -pad -audio *.wav
speed factor settings depends on Your CD-Burner
dev= scsi-target,id,lun
for my configuration it's
for Your configuration it can be quite different,
if unsure have a look at the file:  `/var/log/syslog'
please check out the correctness of the
device parameters, it's very urgent!! 
before burning cd's
You don't need xcdroast for burning CD's,
espescially audio-CD's

Peter Berlau 

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