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Re: Learning more/Linux programming books

Steve Lamb wrote:
>     I don't know, I think if there were a language to start newbies out on,
> it is perl.  Don't have to worry about many of the things that other
> languages force upon you yet gives you a good gounding in how those other
> languages work.

Heaven, no!
I think its quite a sinn to give perl to a newbie, perl corrupts. I use
Perl since two years and I quite like it, but only because I can choose
to use either imperative or oop thinking in perl and I dont have to
every variable.

And thats the reason why a newbie should start with a a structured
language like java (oop), pascal (imperative) or scheme
(functional/lists oriented), so she/he learns to order hers/his thoughts
and get a habit of problem solving. Perl gives you every opportunity to
everything in one or two or in any other way, and I don't think that
this is a good start in programming ...

soryy, my 2 euros


Andreas Sliwka --- http://emil.nef.wh.uni-dortmund.de/~goff
talk to me: goff@trashcan.nef.wh.uni-dortmund.de/ICQ:13961062

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