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Re: STTY and CRT

On Mon, Jan 25, 1999 at 04:48:25PM +0000, Nidge Jones wrote:
> > Do you have $TERMINFO set perhaps,
> AH! Now were getting somehwere. Everyone keeps mentioning TERMINFO and
> TERMCAP. But how do I know if mines OK. how do I test the paths etc.

Okay, at your shell, just type


you should get nothing (or a message about it being undefined). That's
the default.

> > to a path containing not-up-to-date terminfo files?
> HUH! Now I am really confused? Why to not-up-to-date? What is the point of
> upgrading a package to point the path back at the old one?

Normally, the system reads terminfo files (which are a set of files
describing how to do standard things on each terminal type) from
/usr/lib/terminfo. But you can set the TERMINFO environment variable
to tell it to look in a different location, if you need to. Even if
the files in /usr/lib/terminfo are up to date, if you had TERMINFO set
your other copy might be out of date.

It's unlikely that you've used this, but it's a possibility.

> But again, how do I know which are the right ones, and which are the wrong.
> This is why I would like to PURGE and RE_INSTALL (whatever) package to make
> sure. But what packages(s), and can I do that. Or will purging them shaft
> something else in the process.

The terminfo database is in the package ncurses-term. It should be ok to
purge that and reinstall it. Also, there are some in /etc/terminfo too
(base ones needed until ncurses-term is installed).

> Out of interest, if you say N to overwriting an exisiting file when
> upgrading, doesn't it create a whatever.dpkg-dist file in the same directory! 
> So a 'find /* -name *.dpkg-dist' would soon find anything you might have 
> hosed by saying N?

Yes that's right.

> I do NOT have such things as "vt100.dpkg-dist" in the /etc/terminfo
> directories. But I do have a few for such things as squid, motd etc..
> Which wouldn't make any difference to this !

What about /usr/lib/terminfo?

Hamish Moffatt VK3TYD              hamish@debian.org, hamish@rising.com.au
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