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Re: Weird: Name resoultion for root only?!

In article <[🔎] 36D60445.440202DB@berlin.snafu.de> you write:
>Please help!
>I have already posted about this weird thing to comp.os.linux.network,
>but nobody seems to be able to help me, maybe one of you Debian
>specialists will have a clue...
>Here is my problem: My newly installed Debian 2.0 box (I'm new to
>Debian, but not to Linux in general) can see IP addresses and correctly
>resolved names if I'm logged in as root, and everything works just fine;
>however, if I'm logged in as a _regular user_, I can only get IP
>addresses, no names are recognized at all, meaning that for instance
>ping would not even see my ISP's host name. -- Now shouldn't the name
>service work for _all_ users on a given machine (or for none of them)?
>Any permission issues to be taken into account?

No. Resolution of domain names is done by libc under the same user id as
the program that is being run (ie it is not done by the kernel). This
implies that the config files in /etc that you have mentioned below
needs to be world readable.

>I have a suspicion that /etc/nsswitch.conf could be involved, but I
>couldn't figure out what the whole thing is actually about, and the
>documentation that I have found on the net isn't exactly human readable
>:-) It seems related to glibc6, though.


>From my perspective, it really sounds like the permissions on
one of the above files is wrong.


ls -l /etc/nsswitch.conf /etc/resolv.conf /etc/host.conf

and see if anything looks suspicious. If you aren't sure yourself,
then send a copy to this mailling list.

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