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Re: Problem with Netscape browser!

silon1@ipsnet.it wrote:
> Dear friends,
> I recently downloaded and installed Netscape 3.01. Everytime I try to
> launch it. it says it can't load libXpm.so.4. I really don' know what to do...
> Any help??? thanx
> giulio
> ps: I run Debian 2.0R3

	I highly reccomend going back to ftp.netscape.com and getting the
libc6 version of NS (4.08 or 4.5).  Or upgrade to slink and get NS
from Debian's distribution.  3.01 is very old.  In the
/pub/communicator/ branch look for a supported/unsupported sub
dir.  The unsupported branch will take you to the libc6 versions
(they have 'glibc2' in their name).
	Otherwise you'll need libc5, xlib6, and xpm4.7 from oldlibs (I
think that is all).

Ed C.

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