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Re: Debian and Redhat - are most linux users missing the point?

Matt Garman wrote:
> I like the machine name, "skunkpussy."  Hehe.
> On Sat, Feb 27, 1999 at 03:54:04AM -0000, Frankie wrote:
> > ...
> > I think that debian needs to adopt a (slightly) aggressive marketing policy,
> > to increase its userbase. The fact that it doesn't have professional
> > marketers counts in redhat's favour.
> > For example, in the last month or so, I have seen one debian logo on a
> > website, about 15 redhat logos, and no logos for any other distro.
> > ...
> I personally don't worry about these political/commercial issues.  I
> really like and support the Debian ideology, but I use Debian because
> it works best for me.  I'll use the distro that's the best, as long as
> it's free.  I'm a Linux user, not a distribution marter.
> Also, I think Red Hat is a "linux virgin" distrib -- first time Linux
> users have probably only heard of Red Hat, and a lot of people feel
> the Red Hat installation is easier.  Same way with me when I started,
> but I had only heard of Slackware.  Once I knew more about Unix
> administration and the like, I realized that a better package system
> must exist, one that's FHS compliant.
> I don't worry about how many people use Debian, because I figure
> Debian's user base and developer base will never decrease, and the
> quality of the Distrib will also never decline.  My only concern is a
> Linux split: things that work for Red Hat, but not Debian, or the
> other way around.  As long as Linux distribs remain compatible with
> each other, there should be no worry about the distributions.

	You are perhaps referring the "Linux Standard Base" that RH and
Deb have, for the moment, agreed to?  The problem is that the
greater RH's dominance becomes, the greater the chance that they
will no longer see this kind of cooperation as desirable, and in
effect decide on their own that RH *is* the "Linux Standard
Base".  If they don't try too hard too quickly, then I fear they
just might get away with it.

Ed C.

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