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Re: ipmasqadm question

On Thu, 04 Mar 1999 19:52:34 -0600, whbell@ia.net wrote:

>I checked with dselect and found I have ipmasq 3.3.1 installed already.
>There is NO sign of ipmasqadm on my system anywhere.
>I have run 'find / -name ipmasqadm' with no hits.
>I do appreciate your help.  Please don't stop now, but I am in no big
>hurry.  Perhaps there are others out there that have the needed info.

Ok, another day, another try. :-)

Here's the info you want, but you may not like it:

  #dpkg -S ipmasqadm
  netbase: /usr/sbin/ipmasqadm

  #dpkg -l netbase
  | Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config
  |/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,
  ||/ Name            Version        Description
  ii  netbase         3.12-2         Basic TCP/IP networking binaries

As you see it's the "unstable" version of netbase. Don't worry you can 
install it without having to fear that it breaks your system (at least it 
didn't on my system ;-)

>Danke,  (sp?)

You're welcome. (The spelling of "Danke" is right. :-)


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