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RE: Can Windows95 cause error on my Linux Drive.

This is what I did, except I believe I used the Linux fdisk to create the
partitions. Is this going to make such a difference. Windows does not detect
my Linux partitions - so maybe the overlapping partitions my be the answer I
will check that out as soon as I get home. Thanks All!!

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Kenneth Scharf [SMTP:scharkalvin@yahoo.com]
> Sent:	Friday, March 05, 1999 8:29 AM
> To:	debian-user@lists.debian.org
> Subject:	Re: Can Windows95 cause error on my Linux Drive.
> Windows and Linux can co-exist on the same disk drive without
> problems.  I have windows 95 and debian on different partitions of the
> same disk.  Windows / dos will ignore partition types 81, 82 ,83 etc. 
> What you need to do is to first partition the virgin disk under
> windows (leaving room for linux!) then add your linux partitions using
> linux fdisk.  The reason is to insure that MS fdisk doesn't do the job
> wrong and grab part of the linux partitions. (I have heard that MS
> fdisk can try to make partitions not using whole number of cylinders
> while linux fdisk always rounds up to a whole cylinder.)  Also
> installing windows first allows you to set up lilo to use the MBA and
> boot windows as the second (or first) choice.  (Seems weird having
> lilo boot windows by default, but I have done this!).
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