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Re: 386/4MB RAM?

I'm running a 386 with 4M RAM and a 40M HDD.

Slink (Debian 2.1) takes about 33M of free HDD space to install,
in addition to the virtual memory swap space and a 2M temporary root

The minimum amount of swap needed is determined by the peak in VM usage
that occurs when the device drivers are being setup, 6M is the magic
number, iirc.  You can lower this dramatically by deleting unnecessary
device drivers immediately after you load them off the floppy.  I have
6144k of swap, 2048k of which was the temporary root partition during
the installation.  If I had another 10M I would put at least 4M of it
towards swap space.

The ~33M comes mainly from the combined size of the gzipped (9 or 10M) 
and gunzipped base archive, there is nothing you can do about it.  You
can gain some space after the fact by the judicious removal of stuff you
don't need, or don't need online.  Possibilities include: locales,
keytables, fonts, documentation, etc. (I pruned over 6M off the base
like this, the "etc." bit is where you really start learning about how
the system works ;).

As far as usability goes...
You will have a console only machine (no Xwindows).  It would probably
be best to tour around the web based package tree (the Packages link off
the home page) and see if you will be able to run everything you need
without X, or in the space you have available (hard to judge because you
never know how much of a package _needs_ to be on the machine).  You
will be able to get all of perl (and python, sans graphics) on the
system, but don't count on compiling (gcc) anything unless you are
willing to strip the system down to the bare bones (and compile nothing
larger than "hello world"). 

In short, you can do it and may even end up with a decent although
somewhat specialized box... if you don't mind getting your hands dirty
and doing it one piece at a time (requires planning). 

- Bruce

On Mon, 29 Mar 1999, Vincent Murphy wrote:

>  i want to install linux (debian if possible) on a 386SX with 4MB RAM and
> a 51MB HD.  it will have an ISDN terminal adapter and a 3c509 network
> transciever.  can i use debian?  if i can't, how do i go about it?  i'm
> open to suggestions about other (*BSD?) kernels.
> TIA..
> -vinny

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