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Re: Need isapnp early in boot. How?

Enough lurking :) This newbie has questions, but we'll start with 
some answers.

Check out the following:

It involves patching the kernel to provide pnp support directly 
within the kernel, therefore eliminating the need for isapnp 

He initially designed it for SB cards. here's a quote from the 

> What hardware does it support?
> The 0.1 and 0.2 patches support the SB16 PnP, Vibra16 PnP
> SB32/AWE32/AWE64 PnP, including the Game port and IDE parts of these
> devices, with a driver (kernel) patch. 
> The 0.3 patches support these with driver patches, but have the added
> capability of supporting most other devices implcitly or indirectly -
> enable automatic configuration of all PnP devices to use this.


On 8 Apr 99, at 23:25,  kaynjay@igalaxy.net 
 wrote about Need isapnp early in boot.  How?:

> Hello-
> My home system has a CD attached to a SB Vibra 16 board, with 2 other drives off the
> single channel IDE controller.  If I don't first boot into DOS or OS/2, the
> CD is incorrectly recognized (hdg instead of hdc) and is inaccessable. 
> Isapnp apparently comes up too late in the boot to help.  I currently get
> messages about resource conflicts when it tries to initialize (though things
> work since the card's been warmed booted from another OS).  I've checked the
> settings and they match what I use in DOS and OS/2.
> How early can I get isapnp to initialize the card?  Should I put the script
> in rc.boot, or elsewhere? 
> Under OS/2 I need a special little (3rd party) driver to specifically initialize the IDE
> port ... does anyone know whether this is also a problem under Linux which isapnp
> doesnt address on a cold boot?
> Thanks for any suggestions!
> Kenward Vaughan
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