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[Fwd: Help with KDE and Debian Slink]


I would ike to install kaffe from potato,
but my computer is : slink+linux2.0.35
and I am affraid to break it.

kaffe needs the new libc6, and the last time I was on potato I had no
possibility to run a java code.

So my question is :
    installing kaffe under slink will break my system ?

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I have installed the deb files for qt1.42, kde off the kde ftp site, and I have
upgraded from hamm to Slink.

Now about half of the KDE applications give back this error:

kdbash-2.01$ kedit
kedit: error in loading shared libraries
/usr/X11R6/lib/libkfile.so.2: undefined symbol: __pure_virtual
How do I fix this?

Brian Schramm

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