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Re: LyX 1.0 for slink

Quoting Jim Foltz (jfoltz@raex.com):
> I am more concerned about my growing dependence on apt and dpkg. In the
> past I would have first tried to compile the source myself and install
> it. Now I seem to go out of my way to find a .deb package of the software.
> What's happening to me?

It seems to me you have become addicted to binaries.  You should seek help
immediately.  You should contact the nearest hacker and have him dump your
system full of tarballs for you to compile until your head explodes.  This
will surely do the trick.

But seriously.  I used to have the same problem as you.  Binaries can be so
easy sometimes, but they can also cause problems.  You are relying on the
packager to put together a binary that works like it should, check
dependencies correctly, et cetera.  Tarballs end up working much better than
binaries in the long run, although they can become a mess.

"Not all who wander are lost"-- J.R.R. Tolkien

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