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Re: scripting a potato upgrade

Nathan Duehr <nate@natetech.com> wrote:
> Phillip, 
> I don't understand your cost analysis.  Potato is not release yet, and
> as 
> far as I know, there aren't any commercial outlets for Potato CD's
> yet.
> I don't think Official Potato CD's are available from anyone yet...
> which
> is as it should be.
> So what were you comparing your dialup costs to?  I think you'd be
> stuck
> doing an apt upgrade or downloading a ton of files and making your own
> CD's with a CD burner, which would be pretty messy right now,
> anyway... 

I am able to source Potato CDs in the UK. Of course they are not
'Official' merely copies of the Debian ftp sites. My telephone call
charges are around 65p an hour, just over 1 US Dollar. It cost me 4 USD
for a distribution upgrade. I have always purchased CDs before, for
whatever distribution I was using. I already have the Slink CDs. The
cost of the CDs plus mailing exceeds 4 USD. That's what I was comparing
costs with. The idea of upgarding over the 'net was new to me so I
needed some frame of reference as to whether it would be worthwhile. In
future I shall always do it this way unless the upgrade entails a major

> If you're ever looking for inexpensive Slink CD-ROM's, 
> http://www.cheapbytes.com makes a nice Official Debian distro that
> comes
> in at a very low price.

I have used Cheapbytes before when I used RedHat. Excellent company.

Phillip Deackes
Debian Linux (Potato) 

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