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Re: Testing a new kernel

Yes, that will work.  You should also look at installing kernel-package
and using make-kpkg to compile your kernel.  It will create a debian
kernel-image package.  When installed, this updates lilo for you and
also renames the previous kernel so you have a fallback.


On Mon, Aug 09, 1999 at 10:23:16AM -0500, Stanley J. Benes wrote:
> Hi.
> I've just completed my 1st crack at compiling the 2.0.36 kernel to optimize my
> system. I've read through the HOWTO's and all the on-line documentation, and I
> think I understand (and successfully done) all the steps except for
> installation. But I have a bit if anxiety about trying out the new image (too
> many bad experiences left over from the MS Registry), and I'd like to verify
> that I understand what I'm doing. I checked the archives, but I don't see an
> answer... maybe I missed it.
> Anyway:
> I have a new bzImage and bzdisk created, but I'd like to test the new kernel
> without removing my old image or updating LILO (yet). From my understanding, if
> I reboot the machine with the bzdisk I created, then the new kernel should be
> loaded without effecting the old image on hda. If everything tests out OK, I
> can run make bzlilo to do the permanent install. If something is wrong, then I
> just remove the disk and reboot, which will load my old kernel image.
> Is that correct?
> Sorry to take up bandwidth with this question, but as a newbie, I wanted to
> make sure I learn the right way to do things.
> -- 
> Stanley J. Benes
> Technology and Innovations Group
> Motorola, Inc.
> -- 
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Bob Nielsen                 Internet: nielsen@primenet.com
Tucson, AZ                  AMPRnet:  w6swe@w6swe.ampr.org
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