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Re: can't connect to my isp

> day and when i came back it was dead and i couldn't reconnect. it works
> fine with windows but not linux, what could be the problem?
Do a "tail -f /var/log/messages" then watch the log as you box is trying to
connect. This should help you figure out what the deal is. Also I would check
the perms on pppd, are you dialing as a user? try to dial as root or use sudo
if you can connect as root then it is a permissions issue. Let me know if this
helps. If you still have problems, paste in some log sections or or something.
We need more info if we are going to be able to help.

"Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. 
Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime."

Ben Lutgens (pgp public key is "blutgens" available @ hkp://pgpkeys.mit.edu)

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