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Re: graphic login does not allow choice of wm

John said:
> Am new to Debian (a little knowledge of another distribution). Can anyone
> explain how to change settings so I can choose which wm to use after login

The system keeps a list of available window managers in
/etc/X11/window-managers.  Whichever one is listed first is the default
window manager; to change what it starts up in, just reorder the lines in
that file.

Another option would be to switch your login app.  I use wdm, which allows
you to select from the login screen which wm you want to use and, IIRC, it
defaults to the last one that was started from a login.  (I could be wrong
about that last part, though.  I only use WindowMaker and have it set up as
my default wm, so the 'default' and the 'last used' are always the same.)

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