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Re: ip-up.d

*- On 24 Sep, Pollywog wrote about "Re: ip-up.d"
> On 24-Sep-99 John Hasler wrote:
>>> I am having a problem using /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/ to start fetchmail when I
>>> use pon to connect. there is a script in there that wil start fetchmail
>>> for me as desired via command line. yet fetchmail still won't start on
>>> it's own when I connect to my ISP.
>> Post the name of the script, the permissions, and the script itself.
>> Here is mine:
>> -rwxr-xr-x   1 root     root           63 May 27 19:27 fetchmail
>> rm  -f /var/spool/smail/retry/smtp/*
>> fetch-mail
>> runq
>> Here is the script 'fetch-mail':
>> su postman -c "fetchmail -v"
> In my script, I have:
> #!/bin/sh
> sleep 10s
> /usr/bin/fetchmail -d 480

Might as well joing the fun.

Mine is taken right from /usr/doc/fetchmail/fetchmail-up

   1 -rwxr-xr-x   1 root     root          112 Feb  1  1999 /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/fetchmail-up*

test -r /etc/fetchmailrc && \
        fetchmail --syslog --invisible --fetchmailrc /etc/fetchmailrc

and /etc/fetchmailrc is(edited to protect the innocent):
   1 -rw-------   1 root     root          436 Aug 30 22:17 /etc/fetchmailrc

# fetchmailrc
set daemon 120
set logfile = "/var/log/fetchmail"

poll <isp1.com> timeout 60:
        user <isp1-name> there has password <isp1-passwd> is <local-name1> here

poll <free-email-server> with protocol pop3 timeout 60:
        user <free-email-name1> there has password <free-email-pass1> is <local-name1> here

poll <free-email-server> with protocol pop3 timeout 60:
        user <free-email-name2> here has password <free-email-pass2> is <local-name2> here

postconnect "exim -q"

This is all run as root and does not need to do a sudo or su or
anything.  Fetchmail passes it off to exim to deliver to the
appropriate local users. 

Mechanical Engineering                              servis@purdue.edu
Purdue University                   http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis

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