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Re: Dialin question

Douglas Eck writes:
> On demand
> 1) dial *72 - xxx-xxxx to forward calls. Wait 2 sec on answer. Hangup
> 2) dial *72 - xxx-xxxx again to complete the forward. (Calling only once
> doesn't work with US West's call forwarding unless the forwarded phone
> answers)
> 3) dial my isp and log in 

> On hangup or on 15-min inactivity
> 1) hang up from isp
> 2) dial *73. Hangup. This cancels call forwarding. 

> Thoughts?

> Anybody do something similar.

No, but it should be straightforward with chatscripts run by 'connect' and
John Hasler
john@dhh.gt.org (John Hasler)
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

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