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Re: Reading compressed files in XEmacs

>>>>> "Kristopher" == Kristopher Johnson <nosleep@atl.mediaone.net> writes:

    Kristopher> The XEmacs documentation seems to imply that it can open
    Kristopher> compressed files--that is, it will automatically uncompress
    Kristopher> them, let you edit, and then recompress if you made
    Kristopher> changes.

    Kristopher> But this doesn't work for me.  Opening a *.gz file just
    Kristopher> shows me the compressed form.  Is there something special I
    Kristopher> need to do to enable the automatic decompression?

Apropos is your friend. "C-h a compression <ret>" listed a function
called toggle-auto-compression.

So, M-x toggle-auto-compression seems to toggle automatic decompression
of compressed files. It works fine with XEmacs-20.4 which is what I am
using. I was able to read the compressed files in /usr/doc fine.

With an earlier version of XEmacs (19.* I think), there used to be a
separate package that had to be setup in your .emacs file to do the same
thing. A few lines were required to set it up. I don't know if this package 
is still available for XEmacs 20.* and above, and I have totally forgotten
its name. Maybe some other longtime XEmacs users can remember the
package I am talking about.

On a somewhat related note : is it possible to view compressed (.gz) files
with pagers like more/less ? I think I remember a thread about this either
on this list or on some linux NG a while back except that I was paying
attention at that time!

Salman Ahmed
ssahmed AT interlog DOT com

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