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Re: Netscape and its cache

i for one love netscape. mainly for it's roaming abilities.  i setup
mod_roaming on my main www server an can get my bookmarks and cookies and
history files from any machine at any time.  at home i use squid for my
cache and i set my cache in netscape to 0. dont remember if netscape still
caches things but it doesnt matter to me, squid works better.  although
because of the roaming stuff i do close out netscape when im done using
it, i don't go weeks or days with it open. if i didn't the roaming
information would be out of synch.

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On 11 Oct 1999, Arcady Genkin wrote:

> iehrenwald@earthlink.net writes:
> > > So it only cleared 700K. This pisses me off. Any ideas, anyone?
> > 
> > Netscape's cache features never worked right.  Netscape is a stupid and
> > terrible browser.  
> So, is there a viable alternative? I tried Mosaic, but it lacks some
> important features. I use lynx quite often, but it's only good when
> one wants to read some text pages. Emacs/W3 eats memory like crasy,
> and is slow and lacks features even more...
> -- 
> Arcady Genkin                                  http://www.wgaf.dyndns.org
>   "You should seek your enemy, you should wage your war -- a war for your
> opinions.  And if your opinion is defeated, your honesty should still cry
> triumph over that!"  (F. Nietzsche)
> -- 
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