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Re: Beginners How-To use Debian as a LAN

On Wed, 17 Nov 1999, Onno wrote:

> At 11:57 AM 11/16/99 -0500, Brian Burnes wrote:
> >Hello:
> >
> >I am a microbiology laboratory manager with limited computer literacy, but
> >I am interested in the capabilities of Debian.  I need to create a
> >laboratory computer system that is multiuser (with terminals?) and
> >multitasking capable (sounds like Linux) with a GUI (for computerphobes)
> >and word processing, spreadsheet, and database applications which can read
> >MS files.  My existing hardware consists of PCs with Pentiums running MS
> >Office.  From a little research I have done, I think Linux can do the job.
> >I have read the info, comparison, and install pages, but I am just not
> >sure.  I also don't have the time or expertise to fix a confused computer
> >if I botch the job.
> >
> >Is it possible to use an existing Pentium PC, install Debian, find
> >MS-Office-like applications, and run terminals to the central PC so that
> >users in separate labs can access one central file set?
> >
> >I appreciate any suggests or comments.  Thanks

It is probably possible. 

For applications: StarOffice would probably do the job. 
You could try Staroffice first in your windows machine.

You might install KDE there as well in the beginning for phobes. It looks
like mswindows. 

You might use DFM as well on a small window-manager to get there nice
icons for all the programs. Then there is no need for kde.  

Or you could do it so that Staroffice starts always as default... 

Later you could move to real free programs like lyx for word processing
and so on. 


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