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Re: X and /dev/psaux

On Wed, 17 Nov 1999, Glen S Mehn wrote:

glen >At first I realised that I had set it to point to /dev/ttyS0, changed it
glen >to /dev/psaux, but X still crashes right when it loads.

is psaux support compiled into the kernel?  hit dmesg | more on my machine
(i use /dev/psaux too) i get this during boot:

Detected PS/2 Mouse Port.

also check /proc/interrupts
mine has this:

 12:     671209     669524    IO-APIC-edge  PS/2 Mouse

and/or check /proc/misc
mine has this:

  1 psaux

lastly, try gpm with the mouse before you try X, you may be using the
wrong protocol. (see gpm -h for help)


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