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Re: TCP (over ppp) problem with kernel 2.2.x

On 19 Nov 1999, Miles Bader wrote:

miles >I'm currently using 2.2.13, but I had the same problems with 2.2.10.
miles >I don't *have* any firewall rules, that I'm aware of -- at least, I
miles >didn't set anything up; however, I'll read the documentation for
miles >`ipmasq' and see if that tells me anything.

my prob was i installed the ipmasq (i usually do a full blown install) and
it automatically sets all policies to DENY which of course blocks all
incoming and outgoing traffic..hit ipchains -L to see if there are any
rules and make sure the policys are to ACCEPT

miles >The only real difference *I* can see is that the DF (don't fragment)
miles >flag is turned on for the initial packet using the newer kernel;
miles >however, since the first packet *is* acked, that doesn't seem like it
miles >should be the problem.  The local port number is also different, but this
miles >shouldn't matter, since neither is a reserved port (right?).

local port is not reserved i dont think but the remote port(25) i believe
is..this wouldnt be the case in something like ftp data protocol.  i spent
most of the day setting up a VPN, and although different circumstances, i
had similar results, for me it was a routing thing..for you it may be a
routing thing, or a firewall thing.. that kind of network connection is so
basic, its hard for anything to really go wrong unless the kernel itself
is screwed(unlikely for 2.2.x).  ive had virtually every tcpip option
turned on..and off..and never had it ever effect the functionality of
basic stuff like telnet. but a firewall and a routing error/problem can of
coruse screw everythign

dnot know what else i can suggest..:<


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