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Re: What's gone in Corel Linux

On Thu, 18 Nov 1999, Bart Szyszka wrote:

bart >> from what i saw in beta 2 it was a VERY stripped version of slink. 
bart >Well apparently Corel made some major changes in the final because
bart >according to this page:
bart >http://linux.corel.com/products/linux_os/inside.htm

something i found confusing, they have all these people test their betas
then change a ton of stuff, defeats teh purpose  of the beta test in the
first place. might as well just give the beta cds away and say 'here play
with this tell us what you think *if* you get a chance, if not dont worry'
the beta said 'you have till nov 7 to reply or you will be dropped'

bart >, Corel Linux is based on Debian 2.2. At their site I read something

2.2? wow ..they went from slink to potato from beta 2 to final..unless i
read the package listing wrong i'll check it again i coulda swore it was

bart >about their KDE version being an enhanced one of 1.1.2, but from the
bart >looks of things, it's 1.1.2 enhanced with KDE2 features (the panel


bart >Did you do a full install? Aren't Debian packages installable in Corel
bart >Linux anyway? I always just do a base install of Debian and just do
bart >an apt-get for everything that I need. One of the reasons why I don't
bart >plan on going back to Red Hat.   : )

on beta 2 i did a full install ..havent played much with final yet. may
get to it this weekend, it is compadible with ....slink ..? potato? at
least in a binary sense..i dont know if the menu systems are the same
..but it should work with a little effort.

i never tried redhat ..started with slackware..had a few hours with an
alpha of stampede, then went w/debian ..avoided redhat cuz of the problems
my friend talked about.


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