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Re: StatistX i libGToolKit-1.2.so

* thus spake Pep Roca:

> He instalat els binaris de StatistX  
> (http://www.usf.uni-osnabrueck.de/~abeyer/private/StatistX/) en debian sarge 
> i al executar-lo dona el error:
> /usr/local/bin/StatistX: error while loading shared libraries:   cannot open 
> shared object file: No such file or directory
> Tanmateix aquests fitxer hi son:
> /usr/local/lib/libGToolKit-1.2.so.0
> /usr/local/lib/libGToolKit-1.2.so.0.0.94

Suposo que en el /etc/ld.so.conf hi tens una línia per /usr/local/lib
i que has executat ldconfig com a root. En aquest cas no sé què pot


That's all you need tae dae in life. Just be yourself, he'd tell me.
It was the most difficult, challenging thing anybody ever asked of me.
--Irvine Welsh, Glue.

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