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Re: Courier Maildrop Filter

On 02.05.06 23:45:29, Torsten Flammiger wrote:
> ich will eine Forward-Regel mittels .mailfilter und courier-imap
> einrichten aber ich bekomme es ums verr... nicht hin.

>     exception {
>         !ich@woanders.net
>         to $DEFAULT/
> Die Mail kommt ganz normal in der INBOX an.

Was anderes sagst du maildrop ja auch nicht. Davon abgesehen das "to
$DEFAULT/" reichlich sinnlos ist.

> Die Doku ist sehr dürftig. Aber lt.
> http://www.courier-mta.org/maildrop/?maildropfilter.html
> sollte doch das ! fürs forwarden genügen.

Also in meinem man maildropfilter steht das hier:

|               to expression
|        The  to  statement  delivers  the  message  to  a  mailbox.  expression must
|        evaluate to a valid mailbox. A valid mailbox is either  a  mailbox  file,  a
|        maildir,  or  an  external  program  (which  includes  forwarding to another
|        address).
|        The to statement is the final delivery statement.   maildrop  delivers  mes‐
|        sage,  then immediately terminates, with its return code set to the EXITCODE
|        variable.  If there was an error while delivering the message, maildrop ter‐
|        minates  with  the  EX_TEMPFAIL exit code. A properly-written mail transport
|        agent should re-queue the message, and re-attempt  delivery  at  some  later
|        time.
|        An  expression that begins with the "|" character specifies an external pro‐
|        gram to run to handle the actual delivery. The SHELL variable specifies  the
|        shell  to  execute the given command. The message is provided to the command
|        on standard input.  maildrop’s exit code will be the process’s exit code.
|        An expression that begins with an exclamation mark, "!"  specifies a whites‐
|        pace-delimited list of E-mail addresses to forward the message to.  The pro‐
|        gram specified by the SENDMAIL variable is run as an external program,  with
|        the list of E-mail addresses provided as parameters to the program.

Interessant ist vor allem der letzte Absatz. Du musst dem !<forwardaddr>
schon ein "to" voranstellen sonst klappt das nicht.


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