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Our New Directory Offering FREE Premium Lisiting - No Strings (Resend Including Link)


I contacted you recently with regards our affiliate program at bathmate. The reason I'm contacting you again is to offer you a completely FREE listing in our new adult directory here at bathmate.

Its really important to us to offer as much content of interest to our visitors and we've had many emails asking for recommendations for all manner of adult related products and sites. So with that in mind we've created the directory and we would love to feature your listing.

The listing we are offering as all the features and priviledges of a normal paid listing including:-
* Full Site or Service Description
* 2 banner uploads (which will then be rotated around the site!)
* Logo Upload
* Upto 10 Pictures upload into your own gallery space!
* List 10 products or services
* Html link directly to your site

Remember this is of no cost to you and you are under no obligation for anything. We just want to offer our visitors what they want, which means they visit our site more and stay longer. If by including your website, along with any services or products you may wish to offer we improve our site then we are more than happy! 

We are also about to launch some big advertising campaigns over the Christmas period and we will be featuring the directory across all of our sites, along with a big mention in our December newsletter which will reach over 25000 subscribers, so you can genuinely expect plenty of people to see your listing.

Add you listing now at http://adultdirectory.bathmatestore.com

Thanks for your time and I look forward to seeing your listing in the directory, it is by including sites like your I'm sure it will be a success.



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