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Re: Fita DAT Sony SDT9000

>   Pressuponho que eu use algo como:
>   tar -cvO backup.tar arquivo1.x arquivo2.y *.pl
> *.etc > /dev/st
>   é isso? e como eu faço para enviar comandos para
> rebobinar, etc?

	Nunca me aprofundei muito no uso da fita dat. Tem
programas como o taper que a gerenciam através de
front-ends. Mas o básico é você a usar como se fosse
uma "imagem". O 'tar' foi criado justamente para isso.
Sabendo o funcionamento básico do tar vc consegue usar
o mínimo de uma dat.

A seguir vai um MINI-MINI tutorial:

The tape device is /dev/st0, a SCSI tape drive.

To do backup we are using the tar command as follows.
Put the desired tape in the tape drive and use one
of the following:

(1) To initialize the tape (BEWARE: destroys previous
with the contents of a directory <dir>:

   cd <parent-dir>
   tar cvf /dev/st0 <dir>

(2) To add new directories to the tape:
   cd <parent-dir>
   tar rvf /dev/st0 <dir>

(3) To restore a file or directory from the tape:

   cd <parent-dir>
   tar xvf /dev/st0 <dir>

The restoring parent-directory does not have to be the
same as the one used when doing the backup.  Hence, it
is possible to restore files/dirs in other locations.

(4) To view contents of the tape:

   tar tvf /dev/st0

All these command should be run as root.  Ordinary
do not have access to the tape drive.

It is not recommended to try to delete some of the
of a backup tape while keeping the rest.

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