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please get back to me

Hello dear

I am Miss DENISE KOUAKOU from Sierra Leone but residing in Ivory Coast in Africa. It is my desire to contact you on honesty and sincerity to assist me in transferring the sum of $ 5,000,000.00 USD inherited from my
Father; Late Mr. KOUAKOU

I am motivated in contacting you and hope to gradually build trust, relationship and confidence in you as i get to know you better. So please i want to know if you will be of assistance?  But first i want us to know each other better.

I am willing to offer you $547,000.00 USD for your effort input after the successful transfer or claming of this money in an investment. Indicate your interest towards assisting me by sending your phone and address so that i can communicate with you at any time.

I will be waiting for your response on my email below please…
Email: denisekouakou@ymail.com



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