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RE: smp kernel


İlk önce smp destekleyen bir kernel ihtiyacın var. Sanırım şu an
kullandığın kernel ı da  (source ları varsa) derleyebilirsin. Şöyle bir
yazı var bu konuda:

Most Linux distributions don't provide a ready-made SMP-aware kernel,
which means that you'll have to make one yourself. If you haven't made
your own kernel yet, this is a great reason to learn how. Explaining how
to make a new kernel is beyond the scope of this document; refer to the
Linux Kernel Howto for more information. (C. Polisher)

Configure the kernel and answer Y to CONFIG_SMP.

If you are using LILO, it is handy to have both SMP and non-SMP kernel
images on hand. Edit /etc/lilo.conf to create an entry for another
kernel image called "linux-smp" or something.

The next time you compile the kernel, when running a SMP kernel, edit
linux/Makefile and change "MAKE=make" to "MAKE=make -jN" (where N =
number of CPU + 1, or if you have tons of memory/swap you can just use
"-j" without a number). Feel free to experiment with this one. 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: yakinci@stu.inonu.edu.tr [mailto:yakinci@stu.inonu.edu.tr] 
> Sent: Friday, May 23, 2003 1:21 PM
> To: debian-user-turkish@lists.debian.org
> Subject: smp kernel
> 	   Selam
> 	Debian-3.0r1 cift islemcili bir makinaya kurdum. 
> Kurulum sirasinda bf24 sectim. Debian problemsiz kuruldu 
> fakat cat /proc/cpuinfo ciktisi yanlizca bir islemci 
> gosteriyor. smp destegi vermek icin ne yapmam gerekiyor.
> 	Tesekkurler
> -- 
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