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Re: LaTeX

> A format file is a binary version of a TeX-macro collection. First of all you
> should get the macros themself: Hookup to the net and then type
> ncftp ftp://ftp.tex.ac.uk/tex-archive/macros/latex/base.tar.gz
> This works because those FTP-servers pack and compress directory trees.
> Maybe you'll also want
> ncftp ftp://ftp.tex.ac.uk/tex-archive/macros/latex/packages.tar.gz
> Unpack the base and check out the install instructions for your installation.
> Normally it should just consist in running initex on unpack.ins and then on
> latex.ltx (or at least something real similar). You'll have to move the some
> system files to a place where TeX can find them. Just read the instruction.

You can do it like this but it isn't recommend. All of this is taken care
of by debian packages. Unfortunately there have been some buggy packages
but the most recent (check ??-fixed or unstable) should do the job quite


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