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Re: TCP/IP SMB Connections

Philip Hands wrote:
> > Which brings me to question number 1:
> >  Where do I get TCP/IP protocol for Windoze for Workgroupies?  Microsoft's
> >  "techs" were no help.  "Whats TCP/IP?" one said.. <snicker>
> ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/bussys/Clients/WFW/TCP32B.EXE
> You need two things: The 32 bit TCP stack (TCP32B.EXE); and the 32 bit support for Windows (which has been called all sorts of things.  The copy I'm using at present comes in a file called OLE32S13.EXE)

I have a related question. I occasionally run WFWG apps (netscape,
from my Linux box. I've just changed from modem/ppp to ethernet
It's all set up and works fine (well, having troubles with nis).

Under Windose, with the TCP stack above, can I use all the clients that
with the Trumpet winsock and ppp, or do I have to collect a whole new
of apps?


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