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Re: Just another dselect blues...

   Date: Sun, 3 Nov 1996 16:15:10 +0100
   From: pseelig@dialin105.zdv.uni-mainz.de (Paul Seelig)

   ...Is there any possibility to fool 'dselect' into believing that
   any dependency conflicts are non existent? ...

FWIW, I second this.  My preferred way of using debian is to install
and maintain the vast majority of packages with dselect, and then
hand-install and hand-maintain things like the kernel source, XFree86,
and various beta packages.  It turns out that dselect presently makes
this quite difficult, for the reasons cited by Paul S.  Perhaps there
could be a command line option for dselect which makes "requires" act
like "suggests" -- something which makes dselect tell the user that
certain changes should be made, but *never* automatically change the
"Marked For" setting.

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