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Hi there--

        My latest excursion has been into the realm of Kahn, a variation on
Kali. Of course, I'm having some problems, and the answer doesn't seem to
be obvious to other Kahn users, so I'm guessing that it's a problem with
my network.

The setup is this: is a linux machien running kahnd is a win95 dialing into is a win95 machine on the same lan as

Connect through mgetty/pppd just fine. and can both read 
the samba drives on 

Now, both .2 and .3 can connect to the kahnd on, and can talk to 
each other, but .2 doesn't show on .3's list. 

In addition, when trying to play a game (any game!), I can see the network
game, but when I attempt to join it, the attempt fails. I assume this means
that either global or direct packets aren't making it.

Any ideas would be helpful, or at least where to look. Thanks. 

                Michael K Patterson, HP Software Engineer 
   My opinions do not represent those of HP. If they do, it's coincidence. 

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